Team development support from POD

The People and Organisational Development unit works in partnership with leaders and managers on people development.  If you are a leader or manager, we offer guidance and consultancy on tackling change at the group, team or departmental level. We can offer a planning meeting for departments to help you identify your strategic priorities for learning and development and produce an action plan. Your planning process may reveal some areas in which your team needs to develop.

We can support you in (e.g.)

  • sourcing external performance coaching for team/group members
  • sourcing external training providers/facilitators
  • running your own team development, review, planning or other away days: see our resources on facilitating awaydays at DIY team development
  • setting up and improving PDR schemes
  • creating mentoring schemes: see our resources on setting up and running mentoring schemes

We also offer practical support such as

  • Facilitation of team activities and workshops that are part of a departmentally agreed strategic initiative to achieve change
  • Delivering local workshops and programmes on leadership and management
    (our priority audiences are new managers and researchers)

(There is limited resource available for these activities; please contact us early to discuss.)

To save you time in our discussion, please give some thought to these questions before we meet/talk.

  • What do you want to achieve? What change do you want to bring about?
  • What does success look like? How would you know the change had made a difference?
  • What priority does your request have within the people development priorities for your department/division? How pressing is it? Is this part of a planned change or something that has just emerged?
  • What have you done so far towards achieving this? What has worked (and what hasn’t)?
  • What, if anything, is getting in the way? Are there any performance issues? Any working relationships in conflict? Any resource or other constraints?
  • What contribution do you see yourself making to the better future you aim for?

Contact us - your divisional contact

If you would like to book a planning conversation with your divisional contact please email